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Tornei e eventi
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Data Titolo Visite
sabato 22 ottobre 2011 RAPID " ACICASTELLO 2 " 41642
domenica 04 settembre 2011 RAPID " ETNA COMICS " 46873
lunedì 30 maggio 2011 7° Rapid Lido America 38736
domenica 16 gennaio 2011 15° FESTIVAL AMATORI SCACCHI CATANIA 2011 40661
mercoledì 29 dicembre 2010 CAMPIONATO PROVINCIALE di CATANIA 2011 39081
venerdì 13 agosto 2010 RAPID LIDO dei CICLOPI 2010 42770
martedì 01 giugno 2010 SICILY MULTISPORT VILLAGE 41777
martedì 01 giugno 2010 6° RAPID LIDO AMERICA 40085
giovedì 13 maggio 2010 RAPID PLAY - MASCALUCIA-23 MAGGIO 38853
venerdì 19 marzo 2010 Campionato Italiano Giovanile U16 2010 46272
domenica 10 gennaio 2010 14° FESTIVAL INT.LE W.E. AMATORI CT 45455
martedì 22 dicembre 2009 CAMPIONATO PROVINCIALE di CATANIA 2010 47255
domenica 29 novembre 2009 RAPID MEMORIAL LICCIARDELLO , 20 Dicembre a Riposto 39918
sabato 22 agosto 2009 4° RAPID VINI MILO SCACCHI GIARRE 42367
martedì 04 agosto 2009 5° SUPER RAPID PLAY "LIDO dei CICLOPI" 48465
domenica 26 luglio 2009 CORSI AMATORI CT del G.M. IGOR NAUMKIN 52074
mercoledì 10 giugno 2009 RAPID LIDO AMERICA PREMI ASIMMETRICO 41578
mercoledì 27 maggio 2009 RAPID PLAY LIDO AMERICA 44040
venerdì 08 maggio 2009 Rapid Play Assoro (EN) 43196
giovedì 19 febbraio 2009 Rapid Play Leonforte 43446
sabato 31 gennaio 2009 13° Festival Amatori CT:comunicazione ai Presidenti delle Società 43036
venerdì 09 gennaio 2009 13° FESTIVAL W.E. AMATORI CT 2009 49424
domenica 07 dicembre 2008 3° RAPID 2008 AMATORI CT - MASCALUCIA 46359
domenica 16 novembre 2008 Articolo su " LA SICILIA " del 10-09-08 51418
mercoledì 03 settembre 2008 ED IL SUPER RAPID LIDO dei CICLOPI FECE ......BOOM !!! 50967
venerdì 29 agosto 2008 Cresce l'attesa per il Super-Rapid dei Ciclopi 51220
sabato 09 agosto 2008 SUPER RAPID PLAY LIDO DEI CICLOPI 48633
sabato 31 maggio 2008 TORNEO RAPID AMATORI CT LIDO AMERICA 51733
mercoledì 16 aprile 2008 ANNULLATO il RAPID PLAY AMATORI CT del 20 APRILE 54386
giovedì 17 gennaio 2008 12° TORNEO INTERNAZIONALE W.E. AMATORI CT 58369
<< Inizio < Prec. 1 2 3 4 Pross. > Fine >>
Risultati 61 - 90 di 102


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Settimana 48 1
Settimana 49 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Settimana 50 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Settimana 51 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Settimana 52 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Settimana 1 30 31

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102 queries executed
SET sql_mode = 'MYSQL40'
2 SELECT folder, element, published, params FROM chess_mambots WHERE published >= 1 AND access <= 0 AND folder = 'system' ORDER BY ordering
3 SELECT template FROM chess_templates_menu WHERE client_id = 0 AND ( menuid = 0 OR menuid = 2 ) ORDER BY menuid DESC LIMIT 1
4 DELETE FROM chess_session WHERE ( ( time < '1714609957' ) AND guest = 0 AND gid > 0 ) OR ( ( time < '1714609957' ) AND guest = 1 AND userid = 0 )
5 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chess_stats_agents WHERE agent = 'Mozilla 5.0' AND type = 0
6 UPDATE chess_stats_agents SET hits = ( hits + 1 ) WHERE agent = 'Mozilla 5.0' AND type = 0
7 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chess_stats_agents WHERE agent = 'Unknown' AND type = 1
8 UPDATE chess_stats_agents SET hits = ( hits + 1 ) WHERE agent = 'Unknown' AND type = 1
9 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chess_stats_agents WHERE agent = 'com' AND type = 2
10 UPDATE chess_stats_agents SET hits = ( hits + 1 ) WHERE agent = 'com' AND type = 2
11 SELECT * FROM chess_menu WHERE id = 2
12 SELECT * FROM chess_categories WHERE id = '26'
13 SELECT * FROM chess_sections WHERE id = '1'
14 SELECT c.*, COUNT( ) AS numitems FROM chess_categories AS c LEFT JOIN chess_content AS b ON b.catid = AND b.state = 1 AND ( b.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR b.publish_up <= '2024-05-02 02:47' ) AND ( b.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR b.publish_down >= '2024-05-02 02:47' ) AND b.access <= 0 WHERE c.section = '1' AND c.published = 1 AND c.access <= 0 GROUP BY HAVING COUNT( ) > 0 ORDER BY c.ordering
15 SELECT COUNT( as numitems FROM chess_content AS a LEFT JOIN chess_users AS u ON = a.created_by LEFT JOIN chess_groups AS g ON a.access = WHERE a.catid = 26 AND a.state = 1 AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '2024-05-02 02:47' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '2024-05-02 02:47' ) AND a.access <= 0 AND 0 <= 0 ORDER BY a.created DESC
16 SELECT, a.title, a.hits, a.created_by, a.created_by_alias, a.created AS created, a.access, AS author, a.state, AS groups FROM chess_content AS a LEFT JOIN chess_users AS u ON = a.created_by LEFT JOIN chess_groups AS g ON a.access = WHERE a.catid = 26 AND a.state = 1 AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '2024-05-02 02:47' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '2024-05-02 02:47' ) AND a.access <= 0 AND 0 <= 0 ORDER BY a.created DESC LIMIT 60, 30
17 SELECT a.* FROM chess_components AS a WHERE ( a.admin_menu_link = 'option=com_syndicate' OR a.admin_menu_link = 'option=com_syndicate&hidemainmenu=1' ) AND a.option = 'com_syndicate'
18 SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, params FROM chess_modules AS m INNER JOIN chess_modules_menu AS mm ON mm.moduleid = WHERE m.published = 1 AND m.access <= 0 AND m.client_id != 1 AND ( mm.menuid = 0 OR mm.menuid = 2 ) ORDER BY ordering
19 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'topmenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 AND parent = 0 ORDER BY ordering
20 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_search' AND published = 1
21 SELECT folder, element, published, params FROM chess_mambots WHERE access <= 0 AND folder = 'content' ORDER BY ordering
22 SELECT AS id, a.title AS title, COUNT( as cnt FROM chess_sections as a LEFT JOIN chess_content as b ON = b.sectionid AND b.access <= 0 AND ( b.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR b.publish_up <= '2024-05-02 02:47' ) AND ( b.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR b.publish_down >= '2024-05-02 02:47' ) WHERE a.scope = 'content' AND a.published = 1 AND a.access <= 0 GROUP BY HAVING COUNT( ) > 0 ORDER BY a.ordering LIMIT 5
23 SELECT AS Itemid, m.componentid AS sectionid FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE ( m.type = 'content_section' OR m.type = 'content_blog_section' ) AND m.published = 1 AND m.access <= 0 AND ( m.componentid=1 OR m.componentid=4 OR m.componentid=2 OR m.componentid=3 OR m.componentid=0 ) ORDER BY m.type DESC, DESC
24 SELECT, a.introtext, a.fulltext , a.images, a.attribs, a.title, a.state FROM chess_content AS a INNER JOIN chess_categories AS cc ON = a.catid INNER JOIN chess_sections AS s ON = a.sectionid WHERE a.state = 1 AND a.access <= 0 AND cc.access <= 0 AND s.access <= 0 AND (a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '2024-05-02 02:47' ) AND (a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '2024-05-02 02:47' ) AND a.catid = 3 AND cc.published = 1 AND s.published = 1 ORDER BY a.ordering
25 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'mainmenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
26 SELECT COUNT( id ) FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'content_typed' AND published = 1
27 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'content_typed' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5'
28 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'content_typed' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12'
29 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'othermenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
30 SELECT MONTH( created ) AS created_month, created, id, sectionid, title, YEAR(created) AS created_year FROM chess_content WHERE ( state = -1 AND checked_out = 0 AND sectionid > 0 ) GROUP BY created_year DESC, created_month DESC LIMIT 10
31 SELECT * FROM chess_banner WHERE showBanner = 1
32 UPDATE chess_banner SET impmade = impmade + 1 WHERE bid = 1
33 SELECT id, name, link, parent, type, menutype, access FROM chess_menu WHERE published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY menutype, parent, ordering
34 SELECT * FROM chess_extcal_config
35 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181201 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181201 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181201 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
36 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181201) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
37 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181202 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181202 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181202 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
38 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181202) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
39 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181203 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181203 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181203 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
40 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181203) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
41 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181204 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181204 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181204 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
42 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181204) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
43 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181205 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181205 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181205 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
44 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181205) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
45 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181206 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181206 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181206 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
46 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181206) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
47 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181207 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181207 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181207 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
48 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181207) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
49 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181208 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181208 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181208 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
50 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181208) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
51 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181209 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181209 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181209 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
52 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181209) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
53 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181210 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181210 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181210 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
54 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181210) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
55 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181211 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181211 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181211 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
56 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181211) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
57 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181212 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181212 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181212 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
58 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181212) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
59 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181213 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181213 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181213 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
60 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181213) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
61 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181214 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181214 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181214 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
62 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181214) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
63 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181215 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181215 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181215 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
64 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181215) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
65 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181216 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181216 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181216 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
66 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181216) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
67 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181217 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181217 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181217 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
68 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181217) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
69 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181218 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181218 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181218 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
70 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181218) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
71 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181219 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181219 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181219 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
72 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181219) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
73 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181220 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181220 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181220 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
74 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181220) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
75 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181221 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181221 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181221 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
76 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181221) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
77 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181222 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181222 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181222 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
78 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181222) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
79 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181223 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181223 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181223 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
80 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181223) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
81 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181224 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181224 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181224 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
82 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181224) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
83 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181225 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181225 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181225 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
84 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181225) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
85 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181226 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181226 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181226 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
86 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181226) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
87 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181227 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181227 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181227 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
88 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181227) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
89 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181228 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181228 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181228 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
90 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181228) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
91 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181229 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181229 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181229 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
92 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181229) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
93 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181230 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181230 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181230 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
94 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181230) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
95 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181231 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20181231 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20181231 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
96 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20181231) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
97 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'mainmenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
98 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'usermenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
99 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_users FROM chess_users
100 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_items FROM chess_content
101 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_links FROM chess_weblinks WHERE published = 1
102 SELECT SUM( hits ) AS count FROM chess_stats_agents WHERE type = 1