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Anche il Rapid Lido dei Ciclopi arriva al traguardo della 15a edizione . Appuntamento al 15 Settembre nello storico e verdeggiante Lido della costa Jonica catanese . Sponsor dell'evento : COSENTINO ELETTRODOMESTICI , che metterà a disposizione tutti i premi .


Per iscrizioni e bando   : 

15° Rapid Lido dei Ciclopi







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CIS 2013 ad Acicastello: ed è subito record! PDF Stampa E-mail
mercoledì 20 marzo 2013

CIS 2013 ad Acicastello: ed è subito record!

La terza edizione del CIS Sicilia 2013, organizzata dall'Amatori Scacchi Catania, stabilisce il nuovo record di presenze.

Grande risposta dello scacchismo siciliano all'evento clou del 2013. Quasi tutte le province si sono schierate, con i propri circoli, nella "tre giorni" di Acicastello (15/17 marzo c.a.) che ha visto "concentrate", in unica sede, le serie A2, B, C e Promozione, del Campionato Italiano a squadre.

Il President Park Hotel di Acicastello (CT) ha ospitato in maniera consona l'evento, garantendo un trattamento "4 stelle" a giocatori ed accompagnatori. Al resto hanno pensato gli stessi scacchisti, dando vita a gare emozionanti, cariche di agonismo e di grandissimo spessore tecnico. 

Naturalmente a rendere combattutissimo l'evento ha contribuito, in maniera evidente, anche la nuova regolamentazione del CIS che prevedeva  le variazioni elo applicate a tutte le serie, Promozione inclusa, ma va anche detto che le manifestazioni a squadre, li dove i giocatori difendono i colori della propria associazione, hanno sempre un qualcosa in più delle gare individuali e lo spirito di appartenenza che si respira in sala gara in queste occasioni, è realmente palpabile.
Passando alle note tecniche, sono stati circa 250 i giocatori presenti nelle varie serie, con la categoria Promozione che ha giganteggiato per numeri e entusiasmo. Vittoria finale, a punteggio pieno, del fortissimo team di casa che schierava il Maestro Giuseppe Fabiano in prima scacchiera.

Tantissime new entry in Promozione, da citare il Cielo D'Alcamo Scacchi, nuova associazione del trapanese, ma soprattutto la Chessmate Academy di Bagheria, associazione sorta anch'essa nel 2013, ispirata principalmente al settore giovanile, che ha presentato ben tre formazioni di Baby  (dagli 8 ai 12 anni) che hanno ben figurato per impegno ed entusiasmo. Anche la Leonardo Favara ha presentato un team di ragazzi con la formazione "Pedoncino" che accompagnava la formazione senior "Pedoncio", in chiaro omaggio all'indimenticato Filippo Vetro, creatore della rivista omonima.
Nel girone unico siciliano di Promozione c'è stata grande battaglia, con vittoria finale del favorito d'obbligo, ovvero la squadra di casa del Centro Scacchi Acicastello che vinceva a punteggio pieno con un fortissimo team che avrebbe ben figurato anche nelle serie superiori (Giuseppe Fabiano, Riccardo Marzaduri, Marco Marzaduri e Antonio Paladino.
Promosse in serie C anche la Scacchistica Etnea, le due Alcantara 3 e 4, l'asd Pippo Fasino (RG) e la squadra dell'Amatori CT 3, composta solo da giovani, che l'anno prossimo affiancherà  in serie C la squadra maggiore.
La serie C ha visto nel girone 29 l'affermazione della squadra Amici della scacchiera di Erice (TP) sulla Sigel di Marsala (TP). Retrocedono Centro Scacchi Palermo e Arcobaleno (PA).
Nel girone 30 prevale quasi a punteggio pieno, con 4 vittorie ed un pareggio, la Kodokan A (ME) sull' Amatori Scacchi Catania 1. Retrocedono Acireale e Alcantara 2.
Nel girone 31, molto combattuto, si è imposta la CPS Palermitano sulla Leonardo di Favara (AG), retrocede il Centro Studi
Test PAB.
In serie B girone 16, l' Alcantara 1 della P. Carrera di Viagrande (CT), impone il superiore tasso tecnico prevalendo sulla Tedea Cavallaro di Giarre (CT), retrocedono Monrealese e Bagheria A Schlechter.
Infine la Serie A2 ha registrato il livello tecnico più alto, con formazioni composte anche interamente da Maestri. Si è trattato di una corsa a due tra il Paolo Boi di Siracusa ed il Circolo Palermitano Scacchi, nettamente superiori per organico alle altre formazioni che, equilibratissime, hanno lottato per non retrocedere.
Alla fine il team di Guido Inglese, giungendo ex equo con la squadra di Salvo Tondo, conquistava la promozione in A1 per i maggiori punti individuali.
Al terzo ed al quarto posto il Centro Scacchi Arcobaleno ed il Centro Scacchi Palermo raggiungevano una sofferta salvezza a spese dei team Gioiosano Scacchi e Cavalli Rapaci di Grammichele.
Nella serata del sabato si è svolto il Campionato Regionale Lampo che, per consuetudine, accompagna da sempre l'evento principale. 54 i partecipanti con vittoria del Maestro Internazionale Liubljsavlievic.
A solo mezzo punto il Maestro siracusano  Gabriele Sardo che prevale per spareggio tecnico sul giovane giarrese Pietro Pisacane.
I primi posti delle fasce elo 1600-2000 e < 1600 sono state appannaggio del CM Giacomo Bertino e del giovane Antonio De Rosa.
Un edizione brillante, questa di Acicastello, che rilancia prepotentemente la provincia di Catania tra gli organizzatori degli eventi più importanti della Sicilia.
Da sottolineare l'impegno organizzativo di Carlo Vella e dell'Amatori Scacchi Catania, l'arbitraggio di Piero Arnetta e della Alexandra Voitenko ed il supporto del Comitato Scacchistico, che ha visto in questi tre anni crescere esponenzialmente, in successo e numeri, questo evento.

Ultimo aggiornamento ( domenica 31 marzo 2013 )
< Prec.   Pros. >


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Settimana 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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Settimana 18 29 30

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55 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180411 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180411 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180411 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
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57 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180412 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180412 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180412 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
58 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180412) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
59 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180413 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180413 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180413 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
60 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180413) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
61 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180414 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180414 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180414 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
62 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180414) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
63 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180415 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180415 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180415 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
64 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180415) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
65 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180416 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180416 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180416 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
66 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180416) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
67 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180417 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180417 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180417 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
68 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180417) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
69 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180418 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180418 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180418 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
70 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180418) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
71 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180419 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180419 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180419 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
72 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180419) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
73 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180420 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180420 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180420 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
74 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180420) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
75 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180421 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180421 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180421 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
76 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180421) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
77 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180422 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180422 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180422 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
78 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180422) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
79 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180423 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180423 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180423 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
80 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180423) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
81 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180424 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180424 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180424 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
82 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180424) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
83 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180425 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180425 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180425 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
84 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180425) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
85 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180426 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180426 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180426 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
86 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180426) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
87 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180427 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180427 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180427 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
88 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180427) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
89 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180428 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180428 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180428 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
90 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180428) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
91 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180429 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180429 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180429 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
92 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180429) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
93 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180430 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180430 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180430 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
94 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180430) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
95 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'mainmenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
96 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'usermenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
97 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_users FROM chess_users
98 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_items FROM chess_content
99 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_links FROM chess_weblinks WHERE published = 1
100 SELECT SUM( hits ) AS count FROM chess_stats_agents WHERE type = 1