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venerd́ 26 febbraio 2016


Foto : da sin. 1° Open C , Chiara Morello , 1° Open B Salvatore Zuccarotto , 1° Open A Pietro Pisacane, panoramica 1a sala

Il Festival WE Amatori CT ha tagliato il traguardo della XX edizione nel migliore dei modi . I punti positivi sono veramente tanti : dall’ Hotel Garden che è ormai giudicata la location ideale per gli eventi scacchistici , per passare alla partecipazione ( 70 giocatori ) , fino all’organizzazione che si è andata sempre di più perfezionando negli anni. Prima di approfondire gli aspetti  agonistici vorrei sottolineare l’iniziativa che ha caratterizzato questo Torneo . E’ stata proposta una raccolta fondi per pagare le spese sanitarie , per il  ricovero e per un’ intervento molto difficile di un bambino rumeno di undici mesi , Andrei Gabriel Curceanu , nato con una gravissima malformazione all’intestino ed una grave anemia, che si può risolvere con un trapianto o con il prolungamento dello stesso intestino . Andrei , che pesa soltanto 3,5 Kg. , doveva essere operato Venerdì 20 Febbraio , ma purtroppo non è stato possibile operarlo fino al momento in cui scriviamo , perché il quadro clinico non permette ancora l’intervento . Il Policlinico di Catania è stato indicato dai Dottori dell’Ospedale di Bucarest per tentare di salvare la vita di Andrei , ma lo stato rumeno non riconosce ancora le spese e se le riconoscesse lo farebbe soltanto parzialmente . Occorrono subito € 30.000 , dalla Romania hanno donato € 20.000 , ne rimangono quindi 10.000 da trovare a tutti i costi . Gli scacchisti che leggono quest’articolo possono donare versando sul cc intestato a “ Gabriela Cristina Bucur “ (madre di Andrei ) Banca Transilvania : RO56BTRLEURCRT0331710201 . Torniamo al Festival . Nell’Open A , che vedeva il CM Pietro Pisacane N° 1 del tabellone , è stato rispettato il pronostico . Con 4 vittorie e 2 patte ha tolto tutte le possibilità agli avversari . Al posto d’onore il giovane CM palermitano Cristoforo Guccione , che dopo il passo falso del primo turno ha conseguito 4 vittorie di fila , fra cui quella decisiva con il Maestro Valguarnera , concludendo con un pareggio con il vincitore .  Al terzo posto , della serie “ toh chi si rivede !! “ si piazza il Maestro FIDE Giuseppe Fabiano che sembra stia risalendo la china per tornare agli antichi fasti . Buona la prestazione del Maestro palermitano Girolamo Valguarnera , 4° posto , che anche quest’anno ci ha onorato della partecipazione . A seguire i giovani CM  catanesi Gaetano Grasso e Fabio Imbraguglia , autori di prove onorevoli . I premi delle 1a e 2a Naz. sono andati a Giuseppe Magazzù ed a Franco Furnari . Nell’ Open B , caratterizzato da una partecipazione record di 38 giocatori , è stata rispettata la tradizione del Festival Amatori CT che vede sempre questo Torneo con molte sorprese . Ed infatti i primi 12 posti , ad eccezione del vincitore Salvatore Zuccarotto e da Stefano Nobile ( 6° )  sono occupati da giocatori con rating da 1494 a 1621 . Al secondo posto , staccato di mezzo punto troviamo un giovane rampante di Augusta Juri Quarta , con ben 5 vittorie , di cui 4 consecutive , ma  la sconfitta con il vincitore gli costa il primo posto . Completa il podio Domenico Priolo , un non più giovane come età , ma come scacchista . 4° 5° e 6° Giovanni Giustolisi , Francesco Giuffrida e Stefano Nobile . Da segnalare l’ottavo posto di Mario Spadaro , che non giocava Tornei ufficiali da circa 40 anni e che ha rivelato di essere stato Delegato Provinciale di Catania nel lontano 1965 . Ottima prestazione del giovanissimo gelese in grande ascesa Igor Migliorisi che chiude al 9° posto e si aggiudica il premio Under 16 . Salvatore Mangiagli , Presidente della Società Galatea di Acireale , si aggiudica il premio  dell’Over 60 ( Spadaro avrebbe cumulato 2 premi ) . Nell’Open C c’è stata la gradita sorpresa della vittoria della dodicenne gelese Chiara Morello , che ha “ rischiato “ di chiudere il Torneo a punteggio pieno . Solo nell’ultimo turno , ormai appagata della sicura vittoria , si è rilassata ed ha perso con Francesco Ferrarello che con questa vittoria ha agguantato il posto d’onore . Al terzo posto si piazza Salvatore Di Prato , che ritorna a giocare dopo molti anni e quindi ricomincia nel migliore dei modi .Primo degli Under 16 il giovanissimo Francesco Sapuppo . La Premiazione , condotta dall’Arbitro ed organizzatore il sotto scritto Carlo Vella , è stata caratterizzata da un clima allegro e gioviale , ed è iniziata con l’intervento del Delegato Provinciale di Catania l’Ing. Giuseppe Battaglia che ha annunciato i prossimi impegni scacchistici nel territorio catanese , fra cui i Campionati Provinciali Giovanili ed Assoluti . Un ringraziamento particolare all’Arbitro collaboratore Francesco Grasso che ha saputo essere equilibrato ed equidistante in tutte le occasioni . Un’ altro ringraziamento particolare ai componenti dell’organizzazione , Annamaria Barta Presidente dell’Amatori CT , Giuseppe Battaglia , Angelo Caponnetto , Gabriele Arena , Andras Barta ed al piccolo Robertino Vella .

Clicca di seguto per il video della premiazione : 

Carlo Vella

Ultimo aggiornamento ( marted́ 22 marzo 2016 )
< Prec.   Pros. >


Marzo 2019 Aprile 2019 Maggio 2019
Do Lu Ma Me Gi Ve Sa
Settimana 14 1 2 3 4 5 6
Settimana 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Settimana 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Settimana 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Settimana 18 28 29 30

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96 queries executed
SET sql_mode = 'MYSQL40'
2 SELECT folder, element, published, params FROM chess_mambots WHERE published >= 1 AND access <= 0 AND folder = 'system' ORDER BY ordering
3 SELECT template FROM chess_templates_menu WHERE client_id = 0 AND ( menuid = 0 OR menuid = 99999999 ) ORDER BY menuid DESC LIMIT 1
4 DELETE FROM chess_session WHERE ( ( time < '1716081312' ) AND guest = 0 AND gid > 0 ) OR ( ( time < '1716081312' ) AND guest = 1 AND userid = 0 )
5 SELECT * FROM chess_session WHERE session_id = '2eb4ef2a0875fde1ae42678541ec044f'
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7 SELECT * FROM chess_menu WHERE published = 1 AND link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view%'
8 SELECT a.*, AS author, u.usertype, AS category, AS section, AS groups, s.published AS sec_pub, cc.published AS cat_pub, s.access AS sec_access, cc.access AS cat_access, AS sec_id, as cat_id FROM chess_content AS a LEFT JOIN chess_categories AS cc ON = a.catid LEFT JOIN chess_sections AS s ON = cc.section AND s.scope = 'content' LEFT JOIN chess_users AS u ON = a.created_by LEFT JOIN chess_groups AS g ON a.access = WHERE = 214 AND ( a.state = 1 OR a.state = -1 ) AND ( a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '2024-05-19 03:30' ) AND ( a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '2024-05-19 03:30' ) AND a.access <= 0
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17 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_search' AND published = 1
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22 SELECT COUNT( id ) FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'content_typed' AND published = 1
23 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'content_typed' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5'
24 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'content_typed' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12'
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33 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190402 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190402 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190402 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
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53 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190412 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190412 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190412 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
54 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190412) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
55 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190413 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190413 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190413 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
56 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190413) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
57 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190414 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190414 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190414 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
58 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190414) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
59 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190415 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190415 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190415 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
60 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190415) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
61 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190416 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190416 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190416 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
62 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190416) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
63 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190417 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190417 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190417 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
64 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190417) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
65 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190418 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190418 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190418 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
66 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190418) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
67 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190419 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190419 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190419 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
68 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190419) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
69 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190420 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190420 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190420 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
70 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190420) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
71 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190421 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190421 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190421 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
72 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190421) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
73 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190422 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190422 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190422 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
74 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190422) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
75 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190423 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190423 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190423 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
76 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190423) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
77 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190424 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190424 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190424 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
78 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190424) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
79 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190425 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190425 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190425 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
80 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190425) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
81 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190426 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190426 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190426 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
82 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190426) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
83 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190427 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190427 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190427 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
84 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190427) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
85 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190428 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190428 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190428 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
86 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190428) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
87 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190429 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190429 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190429 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
88 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190429) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
89 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190430 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20190430 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20190430 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
90 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20190430) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
91 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'mainmenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
92 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'usermenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
93 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_users FROM chess_users
94 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_items FROM chess_content
95 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_links FROM chess_weblinks WHERE published = 1
96 SELECT SUM( hits ) AS count FROM chess_stats_agents WHERE type = 1