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Scacchi in carcere : una giornata indimenticabile
sabato 01 giugno 2013
Incontro a squadre Ist. Alberghiero di Catania contro detenuti dell’Ist. Penitenziario di Piazza Lanza–Catania : una giornata indimenticabile
Si è svolto , nella mattinata di Giovedì 23 Maggio 2013 , un’ incontro a squadre tra una rappresentanza dell’Istituto Alberghiero di Catania ed una di detenuti dell’Istituto Penitenziario di Piazza Lanza –Catania . Una mattinata intensa conclusa con la premiazione del Torneo e del corso di Yoga con la partecipazione della Direttrice dell’Istituto Penitenziario e del Preside dell’Istituto Alberghiero . Per la cronaca l’incontro è stato preceduto da interventi del Prof. Dante Finocchiaro , del Delegato Provinciale di Catania FSI Ing. Giuseppe Battaglia e dal sottoscritto Arbitro ACN Carlo Vella ed è stato organizzato in 4 scacchiere con andata e ritorno , per complessive 8 partite . Hanno vinto i detenuti con il punteggio di 5,5 a 2,5 , con un insospettabile buon livello tecnico . Non ero mai entrato in un carcere , e devo confessare che non conoscevo l’ambiente , ma soprattutto l’atmosfera che si respira . Devo affermare che sono stato molto colpito dall’umanità che si percepiva e dagli sguardi espressivi dei detenuti che esprimevano la speranza di un futuro migliore . Anche i poliziotti penitenziari mi hanno fatto un’ottima impressione e dialogando con loro ho scoperto un mondo fatto di legalità , di diritti , di coraggio e di attenzioni . Si , è stata proprio una giornata indimenticabile  !!!
Carlo Vella
3° Rapid Play "Etna Comics " + 9° Rapid Play " Lido America "
venerdì 24 maggio 2013


Campionato Rapid Play Sicilia 2013, 3a Tappa





SEDE DI GIOCO -   “LE CIMINIERE”-Piazzale Asia - Catania        Chiusura iscrizioni ore 15,00  , Premiazione ore 19,30  


Biglietto entrata Rassegna “ Etna Comics “ , valido per l’intera giornata = € 10,00



Campionato Rapid Play Sicilia 2013, 5a Tappa 


Per il nono anno consecutivo si svolgerà il Rapid Lido America .

Appuntamento per Domenica 23 Giugno nel bellissimo Lido della Playa di Catania . Chiusura iscrizioni ore 9,30 .


Informazioni : CARLO VELLA Cell. 335-6509575 ;  e-mail : Indirizzo e-mail protetto dal bots spam , deve abilitare Javascript per vederlo ; sito :

Carlo Vella
GS Studenteschi CT 2013
domenica 31 marzo 2013

Il 24 Marzo a Riposto , presso l'Istituto Nautico , si sono disputati i GSS della provincia di Catania . La partecipazione , a causa di motivi contingenti , è stata un po' al di sotto delle passate edizioni . Complessivamente 14 squadre hanno preso parte alle varie categorie previste . L'istituto "Archimede" di Acireale ha fatto da padrone nelle categorie Juniores ed Allievi , imponendosi nelle classifiche maschili e femminili . Suspance nelle Medie inferiori. La " Galilei " di Grammichele e la " De Roberto " di Zafferana , chiudevano con gli stessi punti squadra ed individuali e conteggiando gli altri parametri di spareggio , risultavano sempre appaiati . A questo punto l'arbitro , l ' ACN Carlo Vella , decideva di far disputare un'incontro di spareggio con cadenza di 15 minuti , che si aggiudicava la Galilei con 3,5 a 1,5  . Nel Torneo delle scuole Elementari , essendo iscritte solo 2 squadre , si disputava un torneo all'italiana doppio di andata e rirorno . Vinceva l 'Istituto S. Orsola di Catania  con il punteggio di 6 a 2 . Alla premiazione partecipava il Delegato Provinciale di Catania l'Ing. Giuseppe Battaglia , che ha sottolineato l'impegno per lo sviluppo degli Scacchi nella Provincia . Una citazione per il lavoro del Prof. Dante Finocchiaro , Presidente del Circolo di Giarre , organizzatore dei Giochi, ed i complimenti al Prof. Santo Spina che ha portato 4 squadre alla vittoria .

Carlo Vella

Ultimo aggiornamento ( domenica 31 marzo 2013 )
<< Inizio < Prec. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Pross. > Fine >>

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113 queries executed
SET sql_mode = 'MYSQL40'
2 SELECT folder, element, published, params FROM chess_mambots WHERE published >= 1 AND access <= 0 AND folder = 'system' ORDER BY ordering
3 SELECT template FROM chess_templates_menu WHERE client_id = 0 AND ( menuid = 0 OR menuid = 1 ) ORDER BY menuid DESC LIMIT 1
4 DELETE FROM chess_session WHERE ( ( time < '1714976009' ) AND guest = 0 AND gid > 0 ) OR ( ( time < '1714976009' ) AND guest = 1 AND userid = 0 )
5 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chess_stats_agents WHERE agent = 'Mozilla 5.0' AND type = 0
6 UPDATE chess_stats_agents SET hits = ( hits + 1 ) WHERE agent = 'Mozilla 5.0' AND type = 0
7 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chess_stats_agents WHERE agent = 'Unknown' AND type = 1
8 UPDATE chess_stats_agents SET hits = ( hits + 1 ) WHERE agent = 'Unknown' AND type = 1
9 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chess_stats_agents WHERE agent = 'com' AND type = 2
10 UPDATE chess_stats_agents SET hits = ( hits + 1 ) WHERE agent = 'com' AND type = 2
11 SELECT * FROM chess_menu WHERE id = 1
12 SELECT COUNT( FROM chess_content AS a INNER JOIN chess_content_frontpage AS f ON f.content_id = INNER JOIN chess_categories AS cc ON = a.catid INNER JOIN chess_sections AS s ON = a.sectionid LEFT JOIN chess_users AS u ON = a.created_by LEFT JOIN chess_groups AS g ON a.access = WHERE a.state = 1 AND ( a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '2024-05-06 08:28' ) AND ( a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '2024-05-06 08:28' ) AND s.published = 1 AND cc.published = 1 AND a.access <= 0 AND s.access <= 0 AND cc.access <= 0
13 SELECT, a.title, a.title_alias, a.introtext, a.sectionid, a.state, a.catid, a.created, a.created_by, a.created_by_alias, a.modified, a.modified_by, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.publish_up, a.publish_down, a.images, a.urls, a.ordering, a.metakey, a.metadesc, a.access, a.hits, CHAR_LENGTH( a.fulltext ) AS readmore, AS author, u.usertype, AS section, AS category, AS groups , AS sec_id, as cat_id FROM chess_content AS a INNER JOIN chess_content_frontpage AS f ON f.content_id = INNER JOIN chess_categories AS cc ON = a.catid INNER JOIN chess_sections AS s ON = a.sectionid LEFT JOIN chess_users AS u ON = a.created_by LEFT JOIN chess_groups AS g ON a.access = WHERE a.state = 1 AND ( a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '2024-05-06 08:28' ) AND ( a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '2024-05-06 08:28' ) AND s.published = 1 AND cc.published = 1 AND a.access <= 0 AND s.access <= 0 AND cc.access <= 0 ORDER BY f.ordering LIMIT 104, 4
14 SELECT folder, element, published, params FROM chess_mambots WHERE access <= 0 AND folder = 'content' ORDER BY ordering
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19 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_search' AND published = 1
20 SELECT AS id, a.title AS title, COUNT( as cnt FROM chess_sections as a LEFT JOIN chess_content as b ON = b.sectionid AND b.access <= 0 AND ( b.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR b.publish_up <= '2024-05-06 08:28' ) AND ( b.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR b.publish_down >= '2024-05-06 08:28' ) WHERE a.scope = 'content' AND a.published = 1 AND a.access <= 0 GROUP BY HAVING COUNT( ) > 0 ORDER BY a.ordering LIMIT 5
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22 SELECT, a.introtext, a.fulltext , a.images, a.attribs, a.title, a.state FROM chess_content AS a INNER JOIN chess_categories AS cc ON = a.catid INNER JOIN chess_sections AS s ON = a.sectionid WHERE a.state = 1 AND a.access <= 0 AND cc.access <= 0 AND s.access <= 0 AND (a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '2024-05-06 08:28' ) AND (a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '2024-05-06 08:28' ) AND a.catid = 3 AND cc.published = 1 AND s.published = 1 ORDER BY a.ordering
23 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'mainmenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
24 SELECT COUNT( id ) FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'content_typed' AND published = 1
25 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'content_typed' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5'
26 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'content_typed' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12'
27 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'othermenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
28 SELECT MONTH( created ) AS created_month, created, id, sectionid, title, YEAR(created) AS created_year FROM chess_content WHERE ( state = -1 AND checked_out = 0 AND sectionid > 0 ) GROUP BY created_year DESC, created_month DESC LIMIT 10
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30 UPDATE chess_banner SET impmade = impmade + 1 WHERE bid = 1
31 SELECT, a.title, a.sectionid, a.catid FROM chess_content AS a LEFT JOIN chess_content_frontpage AS f ON f.content_id = INNER JOIN chess_categories AS cc ON = a.catid INNER JOIN chess_sections AS s ON = a.sectionid WHERE ( a.state = 1 AND a.sectionid > 0 ) AND ( a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '2024-05-06 08:28' ) AND ( a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '2024-05-06 08:28' ) AND a.access <= 0 AND cc.access <= 0 AND s.access <= 0 AND s.published = 1 AND cc.published = 1 ORDER BY a.created DESC LIMIT 6
32 SELECT AS sid, ms.type AS stype, AS cid, mc.type AS ctype, as sectionid, As catid, ms.published AS spub, mc.published AS cpub FROM chess_content AS i LEFT JOIN chess_sections AS s ON i.sectionid = LEFT JOIN chess_menu AS ms ON ms.componentid = LEFT JOIN chess_categories AS c ON i.catid = LEFT JOIN chess_menu AS mc ON mc.componentid = WHERE ( ms.type IN ( 'content_section', 'content_blog_section' ) OR mc.type IN ( 'content_blog_category', 'content_category' ) ) AND = 294 ORDER BY ms.type DESC, mc.type DESC,,
33 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'content_blog_section' AND published = 1 AND componentid = 0
34 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'content_blog_category' AND published = 1 AND componentid = 0
35 SELECT AS sid, ms.type AS stype, AS cid, mc.type AS ctype, as sectionid, As catid, ms.published AS spub, mc.published AS cpub FROM chess_content AS i LEFT JOIN chess_sections AS s ON i.sectionid = LEFT JOIN chess_menu AS ms ON ms.componentid = LEFT JOIN chess_categories AS c ON i.catid = LEFT JOIN chess_menu AS mc ON mc.componentid = WHERE ( ms.type IN ( 'content_section', 'content_blog_section' ) OR mc.type IN ( 'content_blog_category', 'content_category' ) ) AND = 293 ORDER BY ms.type DESC, mc.type DESC,,
36 SELECT AS sid, ms.type AS stype, AS cid, mc.type AS ctype, as sectionid, As catid, ms.published AS spub, mc.published AS cpub FROM chess_content AS i LEFT JOIN chess_sections AS s ON i.sectionid = LEFT JOIN chess_menu AS ms ON ms.componentid = LEFT JOIN chess_categories AS c ON i.catid = LEFT JOIN chess_menu AS mc ON mc.componentid = WHERE ( ms.type IN ( 'content_section', 'content_blog_section' ) OR mc.type IN ( 'content_blog_category', 'content_category' ) ) AND = 292 ORDER BY ms.type DESC, mc.type DESC,,
37 SELECT AS sid, ms.type AS stype, AS cid, mc.type AS ctype, as sectionid, As catid, ms.published AS spub, mc.published AS cpub FROM chess_content AS i LEFT JOIN chess_sections AS s ON i.sectionid = LEFT JOIN chess_menu AS ms ON ms.componentid = LEFT JOIN chess_categories AS c ON i.catid = LEFT JOIN chess_menu AS mc ON mc.componentid = WHERE ( ms.type IN ( 'content_section', 'content_blog_section' ) OR mc.type IN ( 'content_blog_category', 'content_category' ) ) AND = 291 ORDER BY ms.type DESC, mc.type DESC,,
38 SELECT AS sid, ms.type AS stype, AS cid, mc.type AS ctype, as sectionid, As catid, ms.published AS spub, mc.published AS cpub FROM chess_content AS i LEFT JOIN chess_sections AS s ON i.sectionid = LEFT JOIN chess_menu AS ms ON ms.componentid = LEFT JOIN chess_categories AS c ON i.catid = LEFT JOIN chess_menu AS mc ON mc.componentid = WHERE ( ms.type IN ( 'content_section', 'content_blog_section' ) OR mc.type IN ( 'content_blog_category', 'content_category' ) ) AND = 290 ORDER BY ms.type DESC, mc.type DESC,,
39 SELECT AS sid, ms.type AS stype, AS cid, mc.type AS ctype, as sectionid, As catid, ms.published AS spub, mc.published AS cpub FROM chess_content AS i LEFT JOIN chess_sections AS s ON i.sectionid = LEFT JOIN chess_menu AS ms ON ms.componentid = LEFT JOIN chess_categories AS c ON i.catid = LEFT JOIN chess_menu AS mc ON mc.componentid = WHERE ( ms.type IN ( 'content_section', 'content_blog_section' ) OR mc.type IN ( 'content_blog_category', 'content_category' ) ) AND = 289 ORDER BY ms.type DESC, mc.type DESC,,
40 SELECT id, name, link, parent, type, menutype, access FROM chess_menu WHERE published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY menutype, parent, ordering
41 SELECT, p.title FROM chess_polls AS p INNER JOIN chess_poll_menu AS pm ON pm.pollid = WHERE ( pm.menuid = 1 OR pm.menuid = 0 ) AND p.published = 1
42 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'components' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_poll'
43 SELECT id, text FROM chess_poll_data WHERE pollid = 15 AND text != '' ORDER BY id
44 SELECT id, text FROM chess_poll_data WHERE pollid = 16 AND text != '' ORDER BY id
45 SELECT id, text FROM chess_poll_data WHERE pollid = 20 AND text != '' ORDER BY id
46 SELECT * FROM chess_extcal_config
47 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180401 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180401 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180401 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
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49 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180402 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180402 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180402 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
50 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180402) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
51 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180403 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180403 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180403 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
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53 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180404 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180404 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180404 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
54 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180404) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
55 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180405 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180405 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180405 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
56 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180405) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
57 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180406 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180406 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180406 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
58 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180406) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
59 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180407 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180407 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180407 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
60 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180407) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
61 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180408 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180408 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180408 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
62 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180408) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
63 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180409 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180409 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180409 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
64 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180409) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
65 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180410 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180410 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180410 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
66 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180410) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
67 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180411 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180411 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180411 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
68 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180411) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
69 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180412 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180412 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180412 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
70 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180412) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
71 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180413 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180413 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180413 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
72 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180413) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
73 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180414 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180414 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180414 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
74 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180414) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
75 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180415 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180415 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180415 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
76 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180415) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
77 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180416 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180416 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180416 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
78 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180416) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
79 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180417 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180417 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180417 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
80 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180417) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
81 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180418 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180418 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180418 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
82 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180418) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
83 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180419 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180419 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180419 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
84 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180419) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
85 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180420 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180420 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180420 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
86 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180420) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
87 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180421 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180421 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180421 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
88 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180421) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
89 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180422 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180422 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180422 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
90 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180422) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
91 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180423 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180423 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180423 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
92 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180423) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
93 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180424 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180424 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180424 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
94 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180424) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
95 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180425 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180425 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180425 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
96 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180425) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
97 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180426 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180426 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180426 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
98 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180426) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
99 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180427 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180427 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180427 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
100 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180427) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
101 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180428 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180428 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180428 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
102 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180428) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
103 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180429 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180429 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180429 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
104 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180429) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
105 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180430 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20180430 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20180430 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
106 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20180430) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
107 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'mainmenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
108 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'usermenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
109 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_users FROM chess_users
110 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_items FROM chess_content
111 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_links FROM chess_weblinks WHERE published = 1
112 SELECT SUM( hits ) AS count FROM chess_stats_agents WHERE type = 1
113 SELECT guest, usertype FROM chess_session