Fondata ed affiliata

alla FSI dal 1987


Tutti al 16° WE Amatori CT !!




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Amatori Scacchi Catania Galleria


Alcune immagini scacchistiche varie

Giocatori Celebri

Alcune foto di celebri campioni

Circolo e dintorni

Foto e immagini dal nostro circolo e non

Torneo Int.WE 2007

Le foto del torneo internazionale di Mascalucia

Rapid Amatori CT Lido America 2007

<p>Le foto del Rapid Amatori CT Lido America 2007.</p>


Descrizione temporanea, cambiala


Maggio 2024 Giugno 2024
Do Lu Ma Me Gi Ve Sa
Settimana 18 1 2 3 4
Settimana 19 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Settimana 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Settimana 21 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Settimana 22 26 27 28 29 30 31

Immagine casuale


Menu utente


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© 2024 Amatori Scacchi Catania
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214 queries executed
SET sql_mode = 'MYSQL40'
2 SELECT folder, element, published, params FROM chess_mambots WHERE published >= 1 AND access <= 0 AND folder = 'system' ORDER BY ordering
3 SELECT template FROM chess_templates_menu WHERE client_id = 0 AND ( menuid = 0 OR menuid = 55 ) ORDER BY menuid DESC LIMIT 1
4 DELETE FROM chess_session WHERE ( ( time < '1714610422' ) AND guest = 0 AND gid > 0 ) OR ( ( time < '1714610422' ) AND guest = 1 AND userid = 0 )
5 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chess_stats_agents WHERE agent = 'Mozilla 5.0' AND type = 0
6 UPDATE chess_stats_agents SET hits = ( hits + 1 ) WHERE agent = 'Mozilla 5.0' AND type = 0
7 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chess_stats_agents WHERE agent = 'Unknown' AND type = 1
8 UPDATE chess_stats_agents SET hits = ( hits + 1 ) WHERE agent = 'Unknown' AND type = 1
9 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chess_stats_agents WHERE agent = 'com' AND type = 2
10 UPDATE chess_stats_agents SET hits = ( hits + 1 ) WHERE agent = 'com' AND type = 2
11 SELECT * FROM chess_menu WHERE id = 55
12 SELECT priv_upload, priv_editmedium, priv_delmedium, priv_creategal, priv_editgal, priv_delgal FROM chess_zoom_priv WHERE gid = '0'
13 DELETE FROM chess_zoom_editmon WHERE vote_time < '1714611322' OR comment_time < '1714611322' OR pass_time < '1714611322'
14 SELECT lightbox_file FROM chess_zoom_editmon WHERE lightbox_time < '1714611322'
15 SELECT cat.catkeywords, img.imgkeywords AS keywords FROM chess_zoom as cat LEFT JOIN chess_zoomfiles AS img ON cat.catid WHERE cat.published = 1 AND cat.catkeywords <> '' AND img.published = 1 AND img.imgkeywords <> ''
16 SELECT catid FROM chess_zoom WHERE subcat_id=0 AND pos=0 AND published=1 ORDER BY custom_order, catid ASC
17 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=1 LIMIT 1
18 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=1 LIMIT 1
19 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=2 LIMIT 1
20 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=2 LIMIT 1
21 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=3 LIMIT 1
22 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=3 LIMIT 1
23 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=4 LIMIT 1
24 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=4 LIMIT 1
25 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=5 LIMIT 1
26 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=5 LIMIT 1
27 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=7 LIMIT 1
28 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=7 LIMIT 1
29 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=8 LIMIT 1
30 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=8 LIMIT 1
31 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=1
32 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=1
33 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=1
34 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=1
35 SELECT cmtid FROM chess_zoom_comments WHERE imgid = 1 ORDER BY cmtdate ASC
36 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=1
37 SELECT COUNT(imgid) AS no FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid = 1 AND published=1 LIMIT 1
38 SELECT COUNT(catid) AS no FROM chess_zoom WHERE subcat_id = 1 LIMIT 1
39 SELECT pos FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid = 2 LIMIT 1
40 SELECT imgid FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid=2 ORDER BY imgdate ASC LIMIT 1
41 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=29
42 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=29
43 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=2
44 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=2
45 SELECT cmtid FROM chess_zoom_comments WHERE imgid = 29 ORDER BY cmtdate ASC
46 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=2
47 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=2 LIMIT 1
48 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=2 LIMIT 1
49 SELECT catid FROM chess_zoom WHERE subcat_id=2 ORDER BY custom_order, catid ASC
50 SELECT imgid FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid = 2 AND published = 1 ORDER BY imgdate ASC
51 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=29
52 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=29
53 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=2
54 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=2
55 SELECT cmtid FROM chess_zoom_comments WHERE imgid = 29 ORDER BY cmtdate ASC
56 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=2
57 SELECT COUNT(imgid) AS no FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid = 2 AND published=1 LIMIT 1
58 SELECT COUNT(catid) AS no FROM chess_zoom WHERE subcat_id = 2 LIMIT 1
59 SELECT pos FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid = 3 LIMIT 1
60 SELECT imgid FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid=3 ORDER BY imgdate ASC LIMIT 1
61 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=28
62 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=28
63 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=3
64 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=3
65 SELECT cmtid FROM chess_zoom_comments WHERE imgid = 28 ORDER BY cmtdate ASC
66 SELECT cmtcontent, date_format(cmtdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, cmtname FROM chess_zoom_comments WHERE cmtid=2
67 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=3
68 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=3 LIMIT 1
69 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=3 LIMIT 1
70 SELECT catid FROM chess_zoom WHERE subcat_id=3 ORDER BY custom_order, catid ASC
71 SELECT imgid FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid = 3 AND published = 1 ORDER BY imgdate ASC
72 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=28
73 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=28
74 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=3
75 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=3
76 SELECT cmtid FROM chess_zoom_comments WHERE imgid = 28 ORDER BY cmtdate ASC
77 SELECT cmtcontent, date_format(cmtdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, cmtname FROM chess_zoom_comments WHERE cmtid=2
78 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=3
79 SELECT COUNT(imgid) AS no FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid = 3 AND published=1 LIMIT 1
80 SELECT COUNT(catid) AS no FROM chess_zoom WHERE subcat_id = 3 LIMIT 1
81 SELECT pos FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid = 4 LIMIT 1
82 SELECT imgid FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid=4 ORDER BY imgdate ASC LIMIT 1
83 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=19
84 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=19
85 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=4
86 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=4
87 SELECT cmtid FROM chess_zoom_comments WHERE imgid = 19 ORDER BY cmtdate ASC
88 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=4
89 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=4 LIMIT 1
90 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=4 LIMIT 1
91 SELECT catid FROM chess_zoom WHERE subcat_id=4 ORDER BY custom_order, catid ASC
92 SELECT imgid FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid = 4 AND published = 1 ORDER BY imgdate ASC
93 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=19
94 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=19
95 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=4
96 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=4
97 SELECT cmtid FROM chess_zoom_comments WHERE imgid = 19 ORDER BY cmtdate ASC
98 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=4
99 SELECT COUNT(imgid) AS no FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid = 4 AND published=1 LIMIT 1
100 SELECT COUNT(catid) AS no FROM chess_zoom WHERE subcat_id = 4 LIMIT 1
101 SELECT pos FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid = 5 LIMIT 1
102 SELECT imgid FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid=5 ORDER BY imgdate ASC LIMIT 1
103 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=63
104 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=63
105 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=5
106 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=5
107 SELECT cmtid FROM chess_zoom_comments WHERE imgid = 63 ORDER BY cmtdate ASC
108 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=5
109 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=5 LIMIT 1
110 SELECT catid, catname, catdescr, catdir, catimg, subcat_id, catpassword, pos, custom_order, hideMsg, shared, published, uid, catmembers FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=5 LIMIT 1
111 SELECT catid FROM chess_zoom WHERE subcat_id=5 ORDER BY custom_order, catid ASC
112 SELECT imgid FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid = 5 AND published = 1 ORDER BY imgdate ASC
113 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=63
114 SELECT imgid, imgname, imgkeywords, imgfilename, imgdescr, date_format(imgdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS date, imghits, votenum, votesum, published, catid, uid, imgmembers FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE imgid=63
115 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=5
116 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=5
117 SELECT cmtid FROM chess_zoom_comments WHERE imgid = 63 ORDER BY cmtdate ASC
118 SELECT catdir FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid=5
119 SELECT COUNT(imgid) AS no FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid = 5 AND published=1 LIMIT 1
120 SELECT COUNT(catid) AS no FROM chess_zoom WHERE subcat_id = 5 LIMIT 1
121 SELECT pos FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid = 7 LIMIT 1
122 SELECT imgid FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid=7 ORDER BY imgdate ASC LIMIT 1
123 SELECT COUNT(imgid) AS no FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid = 7 AND published=1 LIMIT 1
124 SELECT COUNT(catid) AS no FROM chess_zoom WHERE subcat_id = 7 LIMIT 1
125 SELECT pos FROM chess_zoom WHERE catid = 8 LIMIT 1
126 SELECT imgid FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid=8 ORDER BY imgdate ASC LIMIT 1
127 SELECT COUNT(imgid) AS no FROM chess_zoomfiles WHERE catid = 8 AND published=1 LIMIT 1
128 SELECT COUNT(catid) AS no FROM chess_zoom WHERE subcat_id = 8 LIMIT 1
129 SELECT a.* FROM chess_components AS a WHERE ( a.admin_menu_link = 'option=com_syndicate' OR a.admin_menu_link = 'option=com_syndicate&hidemainmenu=1' ) AND a.option = 'com_syndicate'
130 SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, params FROM chess_modules AS m INNER JOIN chess_modules_menu AS mm ON mm.moduleid = WHERE m.published = 1 AND m.access <= 0 AND m.client_id != 1 AND ( mm.menuid = 0 OR mm.menuid = 55 ) ORDER BY ordering
131 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'topmenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 AND parent = 0 ORDER BY ordering
132 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_search' AND published = 1
133 SELECT folder, element, published, params FROM chess_mambots WHERE access <= 0 AND folder = 'content' ORDER BY ordering
134 SELECT AS id, a.title AS title, COUNT( as cnt FROM chess_sections as a LEFT JOIN chess_content as b ON = b.sectionid AND b.access <= 0 AND ( b.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR b.publish_up <= '2024-05-02 02:55' ) AND ( b.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR b.publish_down >= '2024-05-02 02:55' ) WHERE a.scope = 'content' AND a.published = 1 AND a.access <= 0 GROUP BY HAVING COUNT( ) > 0 ORDER BY a.ordering LIMIT 5
135 SELECT AS Itemid, m.componentid AS sectionid FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE ( m.type = 'content_section' OR m.type = 'content_blog_section' ) AND m.published = 1 AND m.access <= 0 AND ( m.componentid=1 OR m.componentid=4 OR m.componentid=2 OR m.componentid=3 OR m.componentid=0 ) ORDER BY m.type DESC, DESC
136 SELECT, a.introtext, a.fulltext , a.images, a.attribs, a.title, a.state FROM chess_content AS a INNER JOIN chess_categories AS cc ON = a.catid INNER JOIN chess_sections AS s ON = a.sectionid WHERE a.state = 1 AND a.access <= 0 AND cc.access <= 0 AND s.access <= 0 AND (a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '2024-05-02 02:55' ) AND (a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '2024-05-02 02:55' ) AND a.catid = 3 AND cc.published = 1 AND s.published = 1 ORDER BY a.ordering
137 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'mainmenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
138 SELECT COUNT( id ) FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'content_typed' AND published = 1
139 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'content_typed' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5'
140 SELECT id FROM chess_menu WHERE type = 'content_typed' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12'
141 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'othermenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
142 SELECT MONTH( created ) AS created_month, created, id, sectionid, title, YEAR(created) AS created_year FROM chess_content WHERE ( state = -1 AND checked_out = 0 AND sectionid > 0 ) GROUP BY created_year DESC, created_month DESC LIMIT 10
143 SELECT * FROM chess_banner WHERE showBanner = 1
144 UPDATE chess_banner SET impmade = impmade + 1 WHERE bid = 2
145 SELECT id, name, link, parent, type, menutype, access FROM chess_menu WHERE published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY menutype, parent, ordering
146 SELECT * FROM chess_extcal_config
147 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240501 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240501 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240501 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
148 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240501) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
149 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240502 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240502 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240502 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
150 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240502) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
151 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240503 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240503 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240503 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
152 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240503) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
153 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240504 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240504 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240504 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
154 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240504) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
155 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240505 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240505 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240505 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
156 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240505) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
157 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240506 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240506 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240506 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
158 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240506) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
159 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240507 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240507 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240507 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
160 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240507) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
161 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240508 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240508 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240508 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
162 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240508) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
163 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240509 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240509 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240509 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
164 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240509) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
165 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240510 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240510 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240510 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
166 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240510) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
167 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240511 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240511 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240511 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
168 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240511) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
169 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240512 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240512 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240512 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
170 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240512) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
171 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240513 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240513 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240513 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
172 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240513) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
173 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240514 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240514 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240514 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
174 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240514) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
175 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240515 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240515 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240515 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
176 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240515) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
177 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240516 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240516 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240516 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
178 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240516) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
179 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240517 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240517 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240517 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
180 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240517) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
181 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240518 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240518 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240518 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
182 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240518) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
183 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240519 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240519 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240519 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
184 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240519) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
185 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240520 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240520 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240520 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
186 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240520) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
187 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240521 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240521 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240521 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
188 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240521) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
189 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240522 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240522 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240522 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
190 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240522) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
191 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240523 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240523 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240523 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
192 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240523) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
193 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240524 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240524 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240524 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
194 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240524) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
195 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240525 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240525 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240525 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
196 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240525) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
197 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240526 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240526 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240526 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
198 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240526) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
199 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240527 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240527 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240527 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
200 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240527) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
201 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240528 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240528 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240528 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
202 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240528) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
203 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240529 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240529 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240529 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
204 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240529) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
205 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240530 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240530 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240530 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
206 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240530) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
207 SELECT e.extid, start_date, end_date from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE ( ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240531 AND DATE_FORMAT(e.end_date,'%Y%m%d') >= 20240531 ) OR ( DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') = 20240531 ) ) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type = ''ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
208 SELECT e.extid, recur_type, recur_val, recur_until, start_date, end_date, recur_end_type, recur_count from chess_extcal_events AS e LEFT JOIN chess_extcal_categories AS c ON WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(e.start_date,'%Y%m%d') <= 20240531) AND c.published = '1' AND approved = '1' AND recur_type <> '' ORDER BY start_date,title ASC
209 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'mainmenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
210 SELECT m.* FROM chess_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'usermenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
211 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_users FROM chess_users
212 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_items FROM chess_content
213 SELECT COUNT( id ) AS count_links FROM chess_weblinks WHERE published = 1
214 SELECT SUM( hits ) AS count FROM chess_stats_agents WHERE type = 1